Who Should Attend

  • Head of Company
  • Leaders and Managers of Divisions
  • Head of Sales and Managers and Officers,
  • HR Leaders and HR Generalists





COMMUNICATION STYLES – Get to know the characteristics of communication style
IDENTIFYING EMOTIONS THROUGH YOUR COMMUNICATION – Passive | Passive Aggressive |Aggressive | Assertive
PERCEPTUAL PREFERENCES – Find out which is the best way to give and receive information by utilising the preferred category of communication


To communicate effectively with other people, not only we need to be self-aware, but also know the impact of our style on other people. We need to use a range of skills in different situations based on different personalities.

This highly practical course helps delegates to understand their strength and develop their own communication and business writing style through many group exercises and interactive content.

  1. Communicating Impact
    • Learn to Communicate with Impact through Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
    • Discover the Importance of your Words, your Pitch and Volume of your Voice
    • Find Out How to Use your Non-Verbal Communication through Body Language Effectively2.-
  2. Building Rapport
    • Discover Techniques to Help you Build Rapport with Anyone
    • How to Build Rapport over the Phone
    • Mirroring and Matching
  3. People Smart Skills
    • Learn How to Interact and Learn with Style
    • How to Understand Yourself and Adjust your
    • Behaviour to the Needs of Others
  4. Barriers to Communications
    • Overcoming Problems and Dealing with Obstacles which Influence
    • How Successful Our Communications Will Be
  5. Persuading, Influencing and Negotiation Skills
    • Applying Strategies for Successful Negotiations
    • Discover the Power of Infl uence
    • How to Increase your Persuading Skills
  6. Conflict Management
    • Identify the Causes of Conflict
    • Conflict Management Styles to Alleviate Conflict
    • Learn about the Iceberg of Conflict
    • Using the ABC Communication Technique

This course is also designed to help individuals to communicate assertively and positively to get maximum results.

This interactive course focuses on all aspects of communication. You will learn about assertiveness, self-awareness, empathy, confi dence, body language,questioning styles, emotional intelligence and many related topics. The course is full of exercises to give you a hands on experience on mastering the art of communication.


I.Human Psychology

Level l.  Sales and  Managers and Hr Generalists

Level lI.    Leaders and Managers of Divisions

  • Head of Sales and  Managers
  • HR Leaders and HR Generalists

The cognitive psichology is an incredibly powerful mind management model that can help you become a happy, confident, healthier and more successful person. Recognise how your mind is working

  • Understand and manage your emotions and thoughts
  • Manage yourself and become the person you would like to be

Techniques for Analyzing People

Helps you successfully navigate the business world by training your brain to see what others are feeling, thinking, or intending.

The tips and techniques that are suggested in this training can help the reader develop an accurate way to learn how analyze people in an accurate manner

  • First Impression
  • Different Personality Types
  • Importance of Nonverbal Communication
  • Different Personality Tests
  • Behavioral Patterns
  • Good Listening Skills
  • Art of Effective Questioning
  • Theories on Personality
  • Body Language
  • Grooming skills
  • Types of questions

The most powerful behaviors that reveal our confidence and true sentiments


Methods Used to Analyze Personality

  1. Comprehensive details about personality and individual behavior
  2. Develop an understanding about personality types and associated behavior


The Business Coping Strategy

Coping startegy techniques is based on scientific facts and principles, which have been simplified into a workable model for easy use. It will help you to develop yourself and give you the skills, for example, to remove anxiety, have confidence and choose your emotions.


II. Business Psychology


Level I. Sales and Managers and Hr Generalists

Level II. Leaders and Managers of Divisions

  • Head of Sales and Managers
  • HR Leaders and HR Generalists


Top Business Psychology Models is a quick, accessible overview to the fundamental theories and frameworks that will help you understand human behaviour, emotions and cognition at work. Each model is presented in a short and crisply summary, which could be easily converted into materials for use in training or in coaching conversations.

The business psychology traning introduces all of the major theories, research findings, principles and concepts in business psychology and organizational behaviour, whilst emphasising their real-life application using relevant examples (consumer behavior in the domestic or international market).


Develop The Skill Of Leaders, and Managers

Analyze People before they even make a first impression Have you ever wanted to read someone and discover what their motives are?

Learning how to effectively use this technique can improve many areas in your such as your career, relationships, and also self development.

The most powerful behaviors that reveal our confidence and true sentiments


III. Criminal Psychology in Business
Weapon of the 21st.century


Level I.
Sales Managers and Hr Generalists


Level II.
Leaders and Managers of Divisions
Head of Sales and
Head of HR

He says that’s his best offer. Is it?
She says she agrees. Does she?
The interview went great— or did it?
He said he’d never do it again But he did?


The ancient survival instincts that drive body language

  • Weapon of the 21st.century
  • Simple nonverbals that instantly establish trust
  • Simple nonverbals that instantly communicate authority


How to “speed-read” people: decode sentiments and behaviors, avoid hidden pitfalls, and look for deceptive behaviors. You’ll also learn how your body language can influence what your boss, family, friends, and strangers think of you.

How do you deal with those that break the law of business life? If their aim is to evade you, how do you identify them? If their aim is to lie, how do you interview them? If they don’t see their actions are wrong, how do you help them to successfully reform?


Communicating Impact

  • Learn to Communicate with Impact through Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
  • Discover the Importance of your Words, your Pitch and Volume of your Voice
  • Find Out How to Use your Non-Verbal Communication through Body Language Effectively


Compelling consensus method

  • Weapon of the 21st.century
  • Special negotiation technique, Solving difficult or very critical situations