Cambridge Business Design Academy 5 point directive

To whom do we recommend our trainings

  1. For those who want to acquire an internationally recognised English higher education qualification
  2. Who want to strengthen their Hungarian education with English qualification
  3. Who have already participated in some kind of higher education, but were not satisfied with it
  4. Who would like to learn with distance learning in addition to working
  5. Who prefer the individual learning

For whom we recommend the training

  1. Those who feel strong enough to learn with a new, not cramming based learning method
  2. For those who want to acquire an immediately usable knowledge during the training
  3. For those who are brave enough to quickly and positively affect critical situations with the acquired knowledge and resolve them
  4. For those who are not afraid of knowing the others’ hidden intentions
  5. For those who are brave enough to become leaders in both their personal and their business lives

The training aim of the Cambridge Business Design Academy

  1. Our students to become successful with their business during the training
  2. Our students will become successful executives, who will become key players in both business and social life
  3. We train individuals, mentally strong people of our students
  4. We prepare our students to be able to recognize, identify and solve critical points of both their personal and their business lives
  5. Our students are not only professionally exceptional, but their human sides, as well

What the Cambridge Business Design Academy provides for the students

  1. For the success of our students, instructors, who are qualified and successful business players, give the knowledge to our students.
  2. We provide a quality accredited curricula for the quality training of our students
  3. Our listeners are introduced to professionals with different levels of knowledge
  4. Our students have the opportunity to establish business relationships with the Cambridge Business Design Academy’s Hungarian and foreign partner companies.
  5. For our students, within the framework of the training, we provide opportunities for business introduction